In my book Conscious Marketing, I question everything about marketing, business and capitalism. I claim that capitalism is riddled with cancer yet I share the hope that it can be turned around.
Just four months since publishing the book, I’m now not so sure. I’m questioning whether us humans have the power to repair it. Then along came this article in the Guardian, The end of capitalism has begun. Like WOW!
“Without us noticing, we are entering the postcapitalist era. At the heart of further change to come is information technology, new ways of working and the sharing economy. The old ways will take a long while to disappear, but it’s time to be utopian.”
As you may know, over the last year we’ve been building The Slow School of Business with a growing movement of people that also believe there is a better way – people that share the ideals that the purpose of any organisation is to contribute to the greater good – people that also believe the current capitalist systems and structures no longer serve humanity and the planet.
If you’re starting a ‘business’ or any entity for that matter, I urge you to read this article, to dissect it and to consider it wholeheartedly. If you too feel like I do, you just might consider an alternative structure that embraces the power, knowledge and fortitude of friends who share the vision. I urge you to consider an alternative model where everyone has ownership, where everyone co-creates the vision, where everyone belongs and no one is excluded.
At Slow School we have a vision to create a global school that impacts the lives and businesses of millions of people. We do this through experiential education that flips the classroom where each person is re-oriented towards their purpose and where prosperity for all is the outcome.
Bloody hell! What was I thinking? I could very well have just dedicated my life to writing more books and speaking (two things I really love) but instead I decided to build something bigger than me, to create a movement to turn learning on its head. “It’s better to choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity,” so its been said.
And people are starting to take notice. In the last month we’ve had stories in the BRW, the AFR, The Age, the Sydney Morning Herald and next month Peppermint Magazine.
“It [capitalism] will be abolished by creating something more dynamic that exists, at first, almost unseen within the old system, but which will break through, reshaping the economy around new values and behaviours. I call this postcapitalism.”
If you’re keen for a new ‘ism’ (holism, naturalism, eco-ism – just a few alternatives I’ve been contemplating lately), I’d love to hear from you. Together we can create a new world. Won’t you join us?
Wishing you love and courage always