Are you an unconscious binge marketer?
Join me at this event and find out!
Conscious Marketing for Today’s Business
Sydney CBD Kaz Cafe – Wed 12 Sept 9.00am to 11.30am
Recently I was at a networking breakfast with a group of small business owners. Each person was asked to introduce themselves and state where they needed help.
One of the attendees, Ken, made this announcement.
‘My name is Ken. I’m a mortgage broker. My problem is marketing. I really need more business leads. I have about 600 clients and I’ve tried every trick in the book to drum up some new loans from them and nothing seems to work. I do quarterly newsletters, send Christmas cards, post blogs and invite them to our events. I’m running out of ideas. Can anyone help?’
I took a deep breath and remained mute, while the rest of the group dished out a whole range of useless promotional ideas for him to sell more loans.
What I really wanted to blurt out was ‘stop being an unconscious binge marketer and start marketing from the inside out.’
When business is slow, many business owners make the mistake of unconscious binge marketing. They simply turn up the volume and frequency of their promotions and add to the already over-polluted marketing atmosphere. The most powerful and enduring activity Ken could undertake is to review his purpose (why he exists), his product (what he offers) and the people he is serving (who is buying and what they really want from him) before undertaking any new promotions. He could choose conscious marketinginstead of unconscious binge marketing.
Conscious Marketing is not about corporate social responsibility or philanthropy.It’s about building something so fundamentally good and compelling right into the heart of your offering that people simply want to buy from you.
Conscious Marketing is about ensuring your marketing activities are aligned with your higher purpose – the WHY behind what you do. It’s about pricing and packaging your offering with deep regard for the client and their needs while taking care of all stakeholders in your business eco-system. And finally Conscious Marketing is all about promoting your offering with honesty, transparency and congruency and with messages of love, joy, hope and humanity.
Ultimately your business will grow and make a very healthy profit because your product, service and message will leave the world a better place.
I’ve been working really hard to transform my own business so that I can ‘be the change I want to see in the business world’. I’m leading a marketing revolution to stop unconscious binge marketing and change the marketing paradigm.
If you’d like to be a part of the marketing revolution, I’d love you to join me in Sydney at my presentation on Conscious Marketing for Today’s Business. It’s just one of over 40 fabulous workshops being hosted as part of Sydney Business Month. Use the special coupon code: SPK0014 if you’d like to a discount to attend more than one and up to five workshops.
I look forward to seeing you there!