Tag: the purpose project

A month ago I watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix. My mouth was agape for most of it. It was a s…
Have you read the fable of ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’? The speedy Hare is always bragging abo…
Next week I’m kicking off a virtual Talk on Purpose course for 12 employees from a company in the…
“If it comes too easy, dig into it, find something else in it, go into a tangent, punch through th…
Since calling for nominations for stories for Community Rising, I’ve had many conversations with p…
At the end of my street behind our local Milk Bar at the intersection of two cobbled laneways, there…
On Sunday, I discovered the word duende in a most exquisite essay by Tracy K Smith. It was require…
Last week I shared that I’m currently writing Community Rising: On love, belonging and togethernes…
I’m currently writing Community Rising: On love, belonging and togetherness. It’s consuming mo…
Hello from the land of lockdown in Melbourne. It feels a little like Groundhog Day down here and i…
One of the most poignant four minutes of TV since COVID hit our shores, can be found in Luke McGre…