Purpose: Whose responsibility is it?

Purpose doesn’t need hierarchy. It’s not something we need to wait for the leaders to mandate or permit. It’s the one thing we can each take ownership of and responsibility for, unapologetically. Carolyn Tate

Since launching The Purpose Project just three weeks ago, I’ve been receiving a tsunami of book orders, emails and LinkedIn connections from people across the globe. It seems that the world’s leaders and workers are hungry to bring meaning to life at work, and that this book is hitting a nerve.

The essential premise of the book is that ‘purpose doesn’t need hierarchy’. Trickle-down purpose, like trickle-down economics simply doesn’t work. We need everyone from all corners of every company to be having the purpose conversation. We must start asking the most poignant and painful questions; Why are we here? What’s the contribution we are making? How are we being ‘better for the world’ instead of just striving to be the best in the world? And the toughest question of all…If we didn’t exist would we actually be missed…I mean really, truly missed?

These questions are essential to explore at both a company level and a personal level. It’s at the intersection of organisational why and personal why that cultures are healed and organisations are turned from a dull, lifeless entity into a community or movement.

This morning I received this beautiful email from a young woman living and working in rural Victoria. She’s read The Purpose Project and instantly put the learnings into action.

“I had a very sensitive meeting today at work. My manager and I were not seeing eye to eye on the direction of my role in the company. I had taken on additional studies over the past two years as well as additional on-the-job training in my own time and it was difficult for her to link my studies and interests to how I could help the business. Equipped with the skills from your book, I was able to put a good case forward with purpose, courage and compassion and my manager and I both agreed that we had achieved a momentous shift in our understanding of each other. Thanks again for writing such a great book, you have touched many people and helped me bring my personal purpose into the workplace.”

This story, at its core, is why I do what I do? Why do you do what you do?

It’s time to have the purpose conversation no matter who you work for, no matter what you do and no matter your title. Purpose simply doesn’t need hierarchy.  If not you, who? If not now, when?

If you’re looking for a way to bring the purpose conversation to your workplace, why not ‘pay it forward’ and buy some books for your friends at work. Buy 10 and get them signed by me with free shipping in Australia. And if you’re in Melbourne, I’ll even deliver them personally and have a cuppa with you! ORDER HERE  

Keen to share your purpose with us at this one-of-a-kind public speaking and storytelling workshop? READ MORE

Have you read The Purpose Project? Would you like to ‘Workshop your WHY’ with me and a room full of like-minded purpose-led people? READ MORE