I’m so glad I found the courage to share my ‘Facedown in the arena’ email last week. It was a highly personal account of heart-break and feelings of failure and I was honestly quite anxious to be sharing it. Yet it clearly struck a chord. The response has been overwhelming, humbling and affirming. Thank you!
My goal in sharing my story, was to show readers how I am moving through disappointment and defeat by working with, and through my emotions, to learn from my experiences so that I will continue to fulfil my highest purpose and potential. It’s been the ultimate act of self-leadership as I’ve set new boundaries (in love and life), reaffirmed my deepest values and renewed my commitment to the work of bringing purpose and meaning to the world’s workplaces. I’m staying right where I am and rising strong from my facedown in the arena experience.
My focus for 2020 and beyond is to work closely with the leaders in companies with the deep desire to teach, lead and coach purpose with me. I want to help you become a Steward of Purpose so that together we can create a purpose movement.
I do believe that my message about the imperative of staying and rising strong is one many people might benefit from right now as we head into the holiday season. As the new year approaches many of us will be taking time out to rejuvenate and deeply reconsider our working lives. We’ll be asking ourselves the big questions…Is my work really meaningful to me? Am I making the impact I desire? How can I make a difference where I am now, or is it time to move on?
Finding purpose really is the ultimate act of self-leadership. It’s also the ultimate employee benefit and the ultimate way to create a lively, passionate, creative workplace.
If you’re an individual keen to get started on the course now CLICK HERE
If you’re a leader keen for a free taste-test of the leader’s course. CLICK HERE
I’d love to support you on your purpose adventure. Please reach out. As the famous saying goes… “If not you, who? If not now, when?”
Sincerely yours,
PS: There’s a special new offer of a free Purpose Consultation with me and a Purpose MasterClass with your team if you purchase the leader’s course now. Click here