How to set your intentions in 2017.

Have you set your intentions for 2017 yet?

The quality of your intention setting (and whether you fulfil your intention) is determined by the quality of the questions you ask and the quality of the thinking you do before committing to it.

I recommend a maximum of 3 intentions per year and that you take at least a week or two to ponder, probe and test them out before committing to them.

The following 10 questions will help you set quality intentions for the year ahead. Try journaling on your answers and discussing them with a friend or coach to gain clarity.

  1. Why is this intention important to me?
    (The answer to this will reveal just how committed you are. Would you die for it?)
  2. What is the worst-case scenario if I don’t fulfil my intention?
    (Get dramatic. Would I die if it’s not fulfilled?)
  3. What does my life look, feel, taste, sound, smell like as I am fulfilling my intention?
    (Where will I be? Who with? Doing what? How will I feel?)
  4. What do I need to give up in order to bring my intentions to life?
    (What holds me back? What projects/habits/people/activities do I need to stop so I have the space for my intention?)
  5. Who is going to be impacted on my intention journey? How will they be impacted?
    (Family, clients, employees, co-workers, suppliers, society, environment)
  6. What are the daily promises I make in fulfilling my intention?
    (What are the habits I need to adopt day-in-day-out?)
  7. What are the first three steps I need to take to start fulfilling my intention?
    (Doing research, booking a class, writing a short action plan?)
  8. Who can help me fulfil my intention?
    (Who do I need to engage to help me on this journey? Suppliers, partners, funders?)
  9. How will I know when I have fulfilled my intention?
    (What will I have achieved? How will I be feeling? What will others say?)
  10. What are the milestones I will set?
    (What are the stepping stones, dates, measurements to establish?)

Whatever your intentions, I hope they come to life in 2017. Do you have an intention to adopt a Purpose Project? I hope so, because the world needs you!



PS Need help setting your intention? Join me at The Purpose Project workshop on 8 Feb. Click here