To my dearest City of Melbourne, all Melburnians and Victorian friends.
We have done it! Our most loveable, liveable city in the world – and the most locked down – is coming to life again!
There is nothing else to do but salute you and say ‘thank you!’
Thank you for sticking together while we’ve been forced to live apart.
Thank you for stepping up bravely to the needle and getting vaccinated.
Thank you to the health care workers who put your lives on the line for us.
Thank you to Dan Andrews and your team for your relentless leadership and resilience.
Thank you to the local councils for continuing to serve your community and keep us safe.
Thank you to all the workers who have made living with this pandemic possible; aged care workers, teachers, first responders, mental health-care workers, transport drivers, posties and those delivering food and other essential services.
Thank you to all the writers, artists, movie-makers, creatives and musicians who kept our world-class culture alive and who entertained us in our homes.
Thank you to all the community leaders who have led neighbourhood projects to ensure people have felt cared for, connected and hopeful.
And personally…
Thank you to my son Billy who has been my rock throughout this pandemic.
Thank you to my writer’s group for coaxing me along to the end of my manuscript.
Thank you to my Yarra river swimming buddies for helping me discover my new elixir of life.
Thank you to my interstate friends and family for constantly checking in and the care packs.
Thank you to all my friends for the walks, the talks, the laughs and the tears.
Thank you to my clients for trusting me to deliver my training to your people remotely. (I can’t wait to see you in a real room soon!)
It’s been one hell of a long ride. While we still have a long way to go to come out of this, it feels important to punctuate the end of lockdown with gratitude and appreciation.
There is a new life waiting to emerge for us all. I’m feeling cautiously courageous. How about you?
Thank you for allowing me into your life and in-box each week. I really appreciate your support and would love to hear from you.
With love