Change. It’s here.

There’s an old adage that the only two things guaranteed in life, are death and taxes. I’m adding a third. Change. It’s inevitable – and essential.

Sometimes change is forced upon us and it’s out of our control. Bushfires. COVID. Black Lives Matter. They’ve all contributed to both individual and collective change. They’ve forced us to adapt our lives in ways we could never have imagined.  For many, they’ve also been the catalyst for us to shine the spotlight deep into the cracks of our private lives so we can change what’s holding us back.

Big change is happening right now for me.

In the last two years, I’ve started writing four books producing more than 80,000 words. But for some reason, I’ve not found the motivation to complete and publish one. It’s been causing me great angst because in my past, when it comes to writing books, I’ve always been a finisher. Last week, I’d had enough. So, I found the courage to call my friend Angela. I knew she’d shine the spotlight deep into my cracks to help me discover what’s really going on.

Since then, I’ve come to the deep realisation that I’ve not been writing that book – the one I truly want to write and publish, the book that’s been lurking in my head and heart for months. On Monday, I started writing that book. You cannot imagine the relief I feel. The book I’m meant to be writing right now, has found me. I suspect it just might change the future of my writing life.

Often we like the idea of change but not the process.

We know we want to change something but don’t know how. Or we claim we want to change but deep down we don’t. Perhaps the change we seek feels impossible or we give up when we don’t get immediate results? Or maybe we’re scared of the repercussions or the unknown future on the other side of change? Or perhaps we’re not hungry enough for the change? Or maybe we simply can’t see any possible way out?

It starts by finding the courage to accept the need to change. We then take affirmative action – even if it’s a tiny first step to gain some momentum. Then perhaps the things that are truly meant for us, will reveal themselves and the process of change becomes joyful instead of painful.

Change. It’s here, whether we like it or not. What change is happening in your life? I’d love to know.

As a thank you for following me, I’m offering The Purpose Project online course for just $97 (RRP $297) today. Use the coupon code ‘Purpose2020’.

As always, if I can be of service, please reach out. I’m here. I care.

With love




PS If you missed my recent podcast Conversations on The CoronationListen here

About me: I’m a Purpose Educator and author of The Purpose Project. I help leaders attract and retain the best people by harnessing the power of deep purpose and storytelling. I do this through The Purpose Project for Companiesa customised consultative process for co-creating a new purpose statement and The Purpose Project Coursea 7-step online course to help employees bring their own why to work.