Thinking of quitting your job in the pursuit of something better, braver and bolder? You’re not alone. The Big Quit. The Great Resignation. The Pursuit of Purpose. The media is awash with stories of people leaving their jobs in search of meaning – in both life and work.
Recently I read this report by McKinsey’s “Help your people find purpose – or watch them leave.” I’ve been digging deep into its findings and assessing the implications for companies who don’t take purpose seriously.
“Employees expect their jobs to bring a significant sense of purpose to their lives. Employers need to help meet this need, or be prepared to lose talent to companies that will.”
In a recent blog, I shared the four types of purpose companies should consider. Organisational. Team. Role. Personal or BYO Purpose. Read more
I’ve facilitated many workshops and courses to help unlock company and team purpose over the years. However, I’m rarely invited to teach employees how to discover their own personal purpose and bring it to work, with the exception of lululemon. When I’ve asked leaders about this in the past, the standard response has been “if I help my people find their purpose, they will just leave”. Today, I get a real sense this thinking is shifting. Leaders are now ready for personal purpose at work, not just for their people, but for themselves too.
They’re recognising now, that empowering BYO purpose at work, is the key to ensuring their people stay.
Today, I kick-off a Talk on Purpose course that will dig deep into company and personal purpose for 18 employees of a bank. We’ll be digging deep into the Ikigai Purpose Map, writing our own purpose statements, unearthing our stories and exploring ideas to BYO purpose at work.
I couldn’t be happier. It reminds me to never give up on this work. Right time. Right place. Right people. And of course, right purpose.
If you’re one of those people thinking of quitting, please send this email to your manager before you do. Or if you’re a leader who cares about BYO purpose at work, reach out for a conversation.
I’m here to help you bring your purpose to life so together we can build a better world.