In today’s mass market, social media dominated world it’s all about ‘Brand ME’. How can I get people to follow ME, listen to ME, tweet ME and buy from ME? It’s about the messenger, not the message. Guru-ism dominates.
But here’s the secret. It’s not about YOU. It’s about what YOU believe. It’s about your purpose, your cause and your message. It’s about having the courage to be the first to declare what’s broken and what you’re doing to fix it. It’s about being willing to start your revolution as a lone-nut like this guy in How to Start a Movement
So here’s how to start your own revolution. Ask yourself 3 questions.
What’s broken? How can I fix it? Who else wants to fix it with me?
Then talk about it with one, two or ten people at a time. Do it with people that really care. Do it behind closed doors around the kitchen table, like the first French Revolutionists. Break bread together. Imbibe. Wax lyrical. Plot and plan. Have fun. Discuss what’s broken and how to fix it. Challenge those people that really care to do one thing, one thing big or small, to make a difference.
So what do I think is broken? Marketing. 86% of consumers don’t trust it. Time to change it. I’m starting a revolution and I’m hosting my first Deep Dinner on Conscious Marketing with 12 glorious marketing and communications professionals who also get it. And we’re doing it at the kitchen table over delicious food and a few bottles of red. We’re discussing such topics as marketing to children, the sexualisation of women in marketing, the disintegration of TV advertising, the marketing of politics and the demise of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Can’t wait to tell you that one thing different my co-conspirators and I will be doing to bring conscious marketing to the world! In the meantime if you want to know how you can host your own Deep Dinner on (insert your cause here), drop me a note and I’ll clue you up.
Yours in conscious marketing
PS While I love waxing lyrical around the kitchen table over deep dinners, I also have no aversion to addressing any audience on the sad state of marketing and what we can all do to fix it! Drop me a note if you’d like me to wax lyrical at your next event.
PPS Find out more about The Conscious Marketing Revolution