Jacqueline’s Story | On Freeing the Writer Within

I wrote Brave Women Write as an invitation for readers to join a movement of women writing stories that matter, about women, for women. It’s a way to tip the scales and rebalance history with her-story.


Many women yearn to write their stories but don’t know where to start. The Brave Women Writers’ Circles have been offered as a way to support women to find the courage and confidence to free their inner writer with a small group of women.



It’s been fascinating and heart-warming to watch these women’s stories and writing projects unfold. Their stories are not mine to tell, so I decided to chat with each of them and record their progress.


Perhaps their journey will inspire you to start writing your story too?


Today, I’m chatting with Jacqueline Swan who is a nature-connected, barefoot wanderer and creative therapist. Read more about her in this ABC story on why women are leaving their jobs to seek wellbeing, creativity and freedom.


In this chat, she shares how she is capturing the stories of her Nan who is about to turn 100!  We explore why she joined the circle, learn more about her project and how writing with other women is keeping her focused on her writing goal after many false starts.


There’s a surprising twist at the end of the interview, so be sure to listen to the end!


If you’re intrigued to learn more about the next circle, read about it here and book a call.


I’d love to help you write that story that’s lurking around inside. If not you who? If not now, when?

With love

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Join the next Brave Women Writers’ Circle
Commencing Friday 17 November

Are you a woman who yearns to share your story with the world? Do you often find yourself suppressing your inner voice and waiting for that perfect day to start writing? Or perhaps you’ve begun writing and are feeling stuck? If so, the Brave Women Writers’ Circle is the right place for you.

As an experienced author, writer and educator, the Brave Women Writers’ Circle will be led and facilitated by Carolyn Tate. With only 12 places available, the 12-week program is designed to guide you in bringing your writing project to life while connecting you to a courageous community of other women writers.


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Write your story in 2025! Enter your details to receive your free Writing Project Planner.

Subscribe to Brave Women Write

Write your story in 2025! Enter your details to receive your free Writing Project Planner.