Meaning Is The New Money in 2017.

Brexit. Trump. Standing Rock. Events that are, as Neil Young and Darryl Hannah so eloquently put it in a recent Guardian story, “like water on the garden of activism.”

These events are bringing on the birth of a new age – The Human Age – the age where activism is fast replacing apathy.

The Human Age is the age of the awakening. It’s the age where ‘meaning is the new money’ and where having less, doing more, making a difference and being of service is our intrinsic driver. It’s the age where ‘purpose’ will prevail.

Most companies are being blind-sided by The Technology Age and they’re ill prepared for this new age. But can these two ages co-exist? How do we use technology as the great enabler of purpose instead of the great enabler of extractive capitalism?

How do we turn purely profit-driven and purely purpose-driven enterprises into prosperity-driven enterprises where every human and our Mother Earth will thrive instead of just the captains of capitalism?


William Damon in The Path to Purpose defines purpose as “A stable and generalised intention to accomplish something that is at the same time meaningful to the self and consequential for the world beyond the self.”

This is the work we are all being called to do. We’re being called to pick a path and adopt a project that really, truly matters to us that is based on what we believe in and what we stand for and what we wish to repair in the world.

How do you do that? It starts with finding the courage to have that first ‘purpose’ conversation. Call me if you’re up for it.

If not you, who? If not now, when?

Love Carolyn

PS: You can download a sample chapter of the book on my website

PPS: Need some clarity on your purpose? Check out our courses coming up.