The Power of the Protea

Do you have my book Brave Women Write? If so, please take a close look at the cover.

The flowers were carefully chosen by my clever cover designer Holly Dunn based on the Victorian Language of Flowers.

The golden flowers are Marigolds representing grief. The white ones are Yarrow representing a cure for a broken heart. The purple ones are Clematis representing creativity. And the pink ones are Proteas representing transformation.

While you’re looking, do you see the two fierce women staring at you from the foliage?

I love my book cover. To me, it’s feminine, strong and empowering. Every time I look at it, I become more committed to supporting women to find their voice and write their story.

Just two weeks ago, my partner Ric and I became the custodians of a phenomenal 10-acre property in Red Hill on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria.

A novice at the fine art of iPhone photography. Sunset at Red Hill.

As I stepped out of the car on the day we were handed the keys, I spotted a single budding Protea on a bush by the veranda. After strolling around the property with Ric chatting excitedly about the possibilities, I later took a moment alone to reflect on the Protea and its significance.

There it was reminding me that life can transform in miraculous ways—and fast. Not that long ago I was facing my grief by writing the first draft of my book. And now here I was with Ric in Red Hill creating a new life together. I know for sure, that my writing led me here.

Writing is the most direct path I know to healing and transformation. I hope that if you’re struggling right now, you too can find transformation through the written word.

The Protea which represents transformation.

The current Brave Women Writers’ Circle has been affirming and transformative in many ways. Sadly, it concludes on Friday 16 June.

But never fear, the next one kicks off on Friday 14 July. It’s for 12 women over 12 weeks and culminates in a one-day nature retreat at the farm in Red Hill. (So you’ll get to see the Proteas for yourself.) The cost is $995 per person and I’m taking pre-bookings now.

If this sounds intriguing, please reach out and I’ll send you the details and a link to book.

‘My own book coincided with the release of Brave Women Write, I devoured Carolyn’s book over a weekend. I’ve embraced her writing tips, exploring fresh and creative ways to channel my voice on women’s issues through her transformative writing circles. Collaborating with other women who share a passion for positive change through words has given me the strong sense of accountability I was seeking.’  – Natalie Yan-Chatonsky, Author of The Art of Full Time Living

With love

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Brave Women Write Private Mentoring

Do you have a book or writing project to be brought to life? If you need clarity to get started and support to make it to the finish-line, I’m here to help.

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