You’ve no doubt heard of the concept of choosing one word for the year. It’s the alternative to setting New Year’s resolutions that often fall by the wayside within weeks and are promptly forgotten.
‘One word’ is an intention setting exercise that describes who you want to be, or what you want to attract, or have, for the year ahead. It’s a word to use as a guide in daily life and to return to when life feels off-track.
Many people choose simple everyday words. Personally, I have a bit of a love affair with C words, and not just because my name begins with C. 😃 Courage. Compassion. Commitment. Community. Connection. These are my core values, so they wouldn’t be my one word, as they are already who I am.
Your one word needs to be uncommon, memorable, palpable if it’s going to stick.
In 2023, my word for the year was FLOW. After many years of being single as a self-confessed control-freak now in a new relationship with a new farm, an extended family including a cat (Chai) and dog (Harvey, pictured) it was the most apt word. A word that would allow me to let go and surrender to this new life as it unfolds. For sure, it hasn’t always worked (just ask my partner Ric), but overall this year has been one of FLOW.
It’s also applied to my love of water, swimming in the river and the ocean (even a puddle will do). FLOW makes me think of the next body of water I must immerse myself in. That’s the power of the right word. It ensures you take action to do more of what you love.
In 2022, my one word was DADIRRI (the aboriginal word meaning deep listening and quiet still awareness). As I was completing a Nature Based Leadership Course that year, it was the perfect reminder to talk less and listen more; to Mother Nature, to the 25 other nature-loving humans on the course, to my family—and to myself.
The one word exercise is a great way to connect with your family and friends over the festive season. You can learn so much about the ones you love and what they desire as you each share your word. Discover why they chose the word, what it means to them and their hopes for bringing it to life in the year ahead. Perhaps offer some accountability to each other?
If you search the internet, you’ll find there’s 101 ways to choose your word. My own suggestion is to take some time alone in nature to ponder the year ahead and to think big. What would make you feel alive, plugged-in, happy? A tree-change? An international adventure? A new business? A new writing project? Let the words pop into your head. Don’t rush to choose a word. Let them marinate until the right word finds you.
My one word for 2024 is quite unusual and it’s to do with my own writing project. Every time I contemplate it, I feel excited, purposeful—and scared. (Yes your one word should scare you!) What’s your one word? Next week, I’ll share my word with you and say adios for 2023.
If your one word has something to do with becoming a better, braver, bolder writer in 2024, then I have the perfect gifts for you.
Purchase a signed copy of Brave Women Write
(the perfect gift for yourself or your budding writer friends). BUY HERE
Join the next Brave Women Writers’ Circle. READ MORE
And if you missed it, here’s 13 Writing Ideas to Help you Stay Sane & Thrive Throughout the Silly Season
With love
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Join the next Brave Women Writers’ Circle
Commencing Friday 2 February 2024
Are you a woman who yearns to share your story with the world? Do you often find yourself suppressing your inner voice and waiting for that perfect day to start writing? Or perhaps you’ve begun writing and are feeling stuck? If so, the Brave Women Writers’ Circle is the right place for you.
As an experienced author, writer and educator, the Brave Women Writers’ Circle will be led and facilitated by Carolyn Tate. With only 12 places available, the 12-week program is designed to guide you in bringing your writing project to life while connecting you to a courageous community of other women writers.