Why you need a Manifesto for 2016

This morning I met with the beautiful Monique over a coffee at my home. As she was leaving she went over to my shelf and pointed with delight at my own personal framed Manifesto. (Little did she know that she’d just given me the subject for my very last blog of 2015.)


After coming across the famous Holstee Manifesto a couple of years ago, I’d been inspired to write my own. It was such a powerful experience for me that I decided to publish it in Conscious Marketing.

Later after Monique had left, I pulled my manifesto down from the shelf for a good dusting and a thorough review. I pondered on whether I’ve been living by my credo this year. I concluded that about 80% of the time I’ve been on track, which of course leaves 20% room for improvement!

None of us knows what the future holds. All we can do is set an intention and take action in an attempt to ‘manifest’ what we desire. We must however stand aside and let go of the outcome.

My manifesto has been more powerful than any business or marketing plan I’ve ever produced. That’s why I work hard with clients to develop their manifesto to live and work by too.

What would your manifesto say for 2016? How would you go about creating your own personal, business, family or community manifesto?

This is my last blog for 2015 as I’ll be on leave from 19 December to 4 January. No matter what you’re up to these holidays, I hope that you manifest lots of LOVE in your life and work.

Happy holidays!


Carolyn Signature