Ten things to work on in 2015

If your dream doesn’t scare you, it’s not big enough.

If you’ve read my previous blogs you’ll know that I’m not a big fan of business plans. I’m more into planning than writing plans. Maybe that’s because I’m clear on the purpose and vision for Slow School and that I trust the process will unfold as it’s meant to. (That, and the fact I’ve learnt to get comfortable with feeling extremely uncomfortable.)

Instead of a plan, I have 10 things to work on this year. I’m sharing these with you in the hope they’ll help you identify the 10 things you need to work on for your business. Once you’re clear on these 10 things, you can actively seek the knowledge and support you need to get them underway.

Many of the ‘10 things’ came about as a result of the fabulous feedback provided by the 213 respondents to our survey last year. (Thanks so very much to Select-Engage for the full Slow School Full Market Research Report and to all of you who completed the survey.)

Ten things to work on in 2015:

  1. Establish a world-class Facilitator’s Faculty based on a fair value exchange
  2. Curate a curriculum of short courses (Slow Shorts) with very real outcomes
  3. Continue our dinners (Slow Dinners) to deepen connections and collaboration
  4. Build a new digital platform and associated marketing plan to fill our courses
  5. Secure funding to pay salaries for employees for year ahead
  6. Employ an Operations Manager and an administration person
  7. Generate revenue via; public courses; corporate learning programs; and sponsorships
  8. Establish the legal and financial systems to underpin the growth of the school
  9. Develop the systems to ensure a seamless experience for students, facilitators & clients
  10. Launch Slow School in Sydney and Adelaide!

Of course each of these ten things are massive in themselves, but we’re making headway on each of them. The faculty is coming together, the curriculum is in curation and the digital platform is underway.

We’re eating this elephant one bite, one day at a time. And while it all appears to be going quite fast, we really are doing it with a slow frame of mind. What ten things do you need to work on to achieve your purpose and vision this year?