The battle of two businesses

2015 has been a year of the battle between two businesses – Carolyn Tate & Co and The Slow School of Business.

It hasn’t been an aggressive, nasty battle like we see in Australian politics, more like twins that love each other dearly while battling for their mother’s attention.

Hands down, Slow School has been winning the battle for my attention and Carolyn Tate & Co (and you my dear reader) has been neglected.

So over the past six weeks I’ve been steadily rebalancing my attention so that both twins are being equally nourished – emotionally, spiritually and financially.

I’ve revitalised my Carolyn Tate & Co. service offerings and am committed to spending Monday, Wednesday and Thursday on this business, with the other two days on Slow School.

I’ve been saying NO more (always with love) so I can say YES to opportunities that fit the vision. I’ve been focusing on my own health and wellbeing and I’ve put in place an excellent support team of partners and coaches.

I want you to know that you are not alone. Building a business you’re passionate about that fulfills your purpose requires three essential ingredients; excellent self-care, that word NO and the right support team.

Happily now, both my babies are growing well and they’re no longer battling. They’re nourishing each other content in the knowledge that their mother loves them both equally.


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