You Don’t Need to Write a Book to Write your Story.

Since publishing Brave Women Write, I’ve spoken with many women who yearn to write their own story or the story of a significant female ancestor — their mother, an aunt or grandmother.

However, for some reason, they’ve either not begun the task of writing, or they’ve begun writing but abandoned the project very soon after beginning.

There are many reasons why our stories don’t get written. Time constraints. Lack of confidence in our writing ability. An unclear purpose (why) for our writing. Uncertainty on how to write our story. Fear of judgement. Lack of support. [Insert your reason/excuse here.]

While these reasons may be valid, there’s something bigger holding women back from getting stuck into their story.

It’s called ‘The Book Myth’. It’s the false belief that we must write a book, that the only way to share our story is by jumping the huge chasm from infrequent writer to published author. While writing books is my own predilection, it’s not the only way, or even the best way, for women to write their story.

Remember, your story is unique and there are many ways to capture it in words. In a journal. As a series of letters. As a long-form photo-journalistic piece. As a series of blogs. As a short story or essay. As poems or song lyrics.

These are writing projects way less daunting than tackling a book. So let’s bust the myth that a book is the only pathway for getting our words out into the world.

If there is another myth to bust about writing, it’s that we all must write alone in our private writing dens sweating over every word. Sure, I relish a day alone at home writing with only the warm fire for company—but I also love writing with other women.

Nine women have already joined the upcoming Brave Women Writers’ Circle. Most of them have just begun their creative writing life. Most are not writing a book. And all of them are writing personal stories about their own life or about women they have loved and admired.

All of these women are supportive, warm and generous souls and I can’t wait to see how their writing adventures unfold.

When women come together to write, share, laugh and learn something magical happens. It’s alchemical. I’m convinced that women who write together can change the world.

If you yearn to write your story, and you think that one of the three remaining places in the Brave Women Writers’ Circle might have your name on it, reach out for a call.

Because your story matters. It really does.

With love

The circle has made an impact on and difference in my life. It finally got me writing when I had all but given up on getting started on my own projects. For that, I am thankful to you and to the other wonderful women who have been joining. Also, just to reiterate what Nat said, the prompts are a great way to get us to write and think, and I like the first half hour of discussions too. — Madara Ranmuthugala

It’s been such a privilege to be part of the first Brave Women Writers’ Circle hosted by Carolyn Tate. There’s so much wisdom in her book that comes to life in different ways when exploring in community with other women. The cadence of meeting and focusing on our writing and storytelling was a privilege I treasured each week. I recommend the opportunity to any woman ready to explore the stories brewing within her. — Heather Jones, Principal + Founder, Priage Media

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Brave Women Write Private Mentoring

Do you have a book or writing project to be brought to life? If you need clarity to get started and support to make it to the finish-line, I’m here to help.