How to Become a Writer

It’s too cold and dark. I had a poor sleep. I’m not feeling well.

These were all the excuses rolling around in my head at 6am not to go swimming in the Yarra, Birrarung with my friends this morning.

The water temperature in winter hovers between 7 and 10 degrees, so it’s not an adventure for the feint-hearted.

Fingers hovering over my iPhone, I was ready to pull the plug and message my friends that I couldn’t make it.

Then something stopped me. While there were many excuses not to go, there was one big reason to go. Because I know from experience that my whole day is better when I swim.

So, I went, and now I have a story to write. If I hadn’t gone, there’d be no story.

It’s much like writing. My whole day is better when I write, whether that’s scrawling a few pages in my journal, punching out a 300 word blog or producing a chapter of my novel.

My mantra is ‘I am a writer. I write every day.’

A story a day is the best way to become a writer.

Even if it’s a tiny story of a few words like this one by Ernest Hemingway ‘For sale: baby shoes, never worn.’

Even if it’s a short story about an interaction with nature, a friend or your partner.

Even if it’s a minor story within the grand story of the book you’re writing.

Writers become writers by writing every day.

What’s the story you’ll be writing today? I’d love to know.


Find your Voice. Free the Writer Within.

Write in a Safe & Brave Space with Other Women.

G’day! I’m Carolyn Tate and I’m on a mission to write the stories that move us to remake our world — for women and Mother Earth. Alongside writing, I teach and mentor women to unleash their voice and write stories of purpose, justice, and equality.

Are you a woman who yearns to share your story with the world but don’t quite know where to start? Do you often suppress your inner voice, waiting for that perfect day to write? Or perhaps you’ve begun writing and are feeling stuck?

Here’s how I help:

Brave Women Write Book: Order Here

Brave Women Write Monthly Dinners | Clifton Hill, Melbourne: Book Here

Brave Women Writers’ Circle | 8-week Zoom Program: Book Here

Private Mentoring Over 90 Days for Emerging Authors: Read More

Brave Women Write Together & Sacred Fire Circle | Red Hill, Mornington Peninsula, Victoria: Book Here

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